


For a video on using and chaining attributes, click here. Attributes are ubiquitous throughout X2CRM and particularly X2Flow. They appear as filter parameter settings in triggers, certain flow actions, and conditionals. Note that there are multiple attributes with the same dynamic variable (e.g. ID numbers). However the dynamic variable is also bound by the module you are working within. Thus when working within the contacts module, only refers to the phone number of a contact, never to the phone number of another record type, like an account record, for instance. Another thing to note is that although you may be working within a certain module, the module you are referring to might be different. For example, although email texts can be drafted within the Docs module, using the dynamic variable  in an email body will refer to the name of the addressee of the email. This is because emails refer to the Contacts module for their dynamic variables. The module that the dynamic variables will refer to is usually denoted.