The Leads module in X2CRM is designed to allow users to track leads separate from the Contact record but still be related to Contacts and Accounts.
View a list of All Leads, sortable by various metrics. Filter out some results with the column selector.
Use the clear filters option to stop sorting by a specific column and return to a default filter setting.
Click a lead to view its details.
To Create a new Lead click the Create Lead button shown in blue.
For a more detailed explanation of grid view filters, jump to the Contact Grid View section
Enter the new lead’s information. At a minimum, enter first and last name; however it is recommended to include phone number and email address, too.
You have the option to add additional information such as Lead Status, Lead source, Description, and other similar fields.
The lead may be assigned to a colleague by selecting their name from the ‘assign to’ list. To select multiple representatives, hold down the control key as you click.
You may also associate the lead with an Account. Start typing a name in the Account field and a list of potential existing accounts will pop up. If the Account you want exists simply choose that from the list. If no Account exists, click the “+” at the right of the Account box and a form will pop up to allow you to enter the information for a new Account.
If you associate the Lead to an Account you will see this relationship within the Relationship section of both the Account and the Lead. This allows you to move easily between the Lead and Account by clicking on the name within Relationships. The same holds true if the Lead is associated with a Contact.
Once finished, click the create button to complete the process.
Convert to Opportunity
At some point you may determine that the Lead has become an Opportunity. For example, maybe the Lead may have worked through the stages you set up via the Process Workflow, highlighted in green, and it is now deemed an Opportunity.
You have the option to create an Opportunity directly from the Lead. Click on Convert to Opportunity action, highlighted in red, and all the information within the Lead will be transferred to a new Opportunity record and the system will delete the existing Lead record.
The sales rep will now work this as an Opportunity and the Opportunity can be related to an existing Contact and/or an Account via the Relationship section highlighted in blue. You may relate the Opportunity to a specific Contact and once you do that you may want to change the name of the Opportunity because a Contact or Account may have multiple Opportunities associated with it.
Click to go to the Opportunity section.
Convert to Contact
At some point you may determine that the Lead has progressed such that it should now be a Contact.
You have the option to create a Contact directly from the Lead. Click on Convert to Contact as highlighted in red and all the information within the Lead will be transferred to a the Contact record and the system will delete the existing Lead record.
The sales rep will now work this as a Contact.
Contact as Lead
First, you will need to create a custom drop-down field, Record Type, highlighted in red. Jump to X2Studio Manage Fields for a more detailed explination on how to do this:
Create a new drop-down menu, which includes Lead, Contact, and Opportunity as choices. This allows you to filter on this field.
Create a custom field called “Record Type” and select your new drop-down menu as the field type.
Update the Contact form to include your newly created field.
Choose the Record Type that you want such as Lead. It will now be able to be grouped with all the other Contact records as Leads.
You may choose whatever Process that will reflect on how the record is being used.
Enter data into the fields that reflect the Lead such as Lead Source, Lead Type, Lead Status, etc. You may add as many additional fields as you desire.
If the Lead moves out of Lead status, change the Record Type to reflect the new status.
Contact as Opportunity
If the Lead has become an Opportunity you may choose to work this within the same Contact record. Simply change the Record Type to Opportunity and add any additional data into the record.
Highlighted in blue, is a section we created to hold Opportunity data. If you wish to do this, simply add the fields you want via Manage Fields, and change the form via the Form Editor. You can modify this form to have it look however you desire.
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