X2Analytics Engine and X2Reports
The reports module allows you to sort and display data in X2CRM as a chart or specialized grid. Because of its data accessibility, it can be applied as an analytics engine reporting upon the entire customer journey. X2CRM’s reporting and analytics capabilities enable you to monitor and react to marketing, sales and service performance, and ultimately make “closed-loop” changes which improve performance.
Upon entering the reports module, there is a grid view displaying all the reports you have saved. To create a new report, click on one of the report types in the action menu on the left.
There are 3 types of reports in X2CRM that will organize your data differently:
Rows and Columns
While the creation form of different reports varies, they do share common functionality:
Primary Model: This is the model you will be searching through, such as Contacts or Accounts
Any Filters: Click and select a field to filter by. Records that pass any one of these filters will be included in the report
All Filters: Click and select a field to filter by. Records must pass all of these filters to be included in the report
Order: Click and select a field to order the results by.
The Grid Report organizes data by grouping it based on two fields of the model.
Column Field: The field you choose here will become the column headers of the report. Try to select a field with a limited amount of values (Such as a dropdown field).
Row Field: The field you choose here will become the row headers. It should be the field with more possible values than the column field (pagination will help you sort through all the values).
Cell Data: This is what each cell of the grid will display. ‘Count’ will simply display how many records match the column and row value for that cell. If an aggregate value is selected such as ‘Deal Value,’ It will either sum, average or find the max/min of those values.
Let's say that we want to create a report showing the total deal value in different states. More, let's say we only are concerned with the contacts in three states, CA, NV and AZ. Once we have that, we want see how much of the deal value is assigned to different users.
Select ‘Contacts’ for Primary Model Type
Select ‘State’ for Row Field
Select ‘Assigned’ To for Column Field
Select ‘Sum’ for Cell Data Type
Select ‘Deal Value’ for Cell Data Field
Click on the “any filters” box – we want all records that match any of these states, not records that pass all of them. Add conditions that limits the state of records to CA, NV, AZ
Click Generate
The resulting grid is showing us how much deal value is in each state.
The Rows and Column Report will let the user generate a list of records, based on criteria. It is essentially a glorified grid view.
Columns: The fields chosen here will appear as the various columns of the report, in the order you choose. It contains all of the fields of the record as well as all of the fields of related records.
Let's say that we want to create a report to show incoming contacts.
Select ‘Contacts’ for Primary Model Type
Add a condition ‘Deal value Greater than 5000’
Add columns: Create Date, Name, Lead Source, Deal Value, Phone, Account, etc.
Click the Order by box and select order by ‘Create Date descending’
Click Generate
The resulting grid shows a list of new contacts and all their info. This report is particularly useful to chart to monitor activities.
The Summation Report will let you group data, and generate drill-down lists for those groups.
Groups: Select fields you want to group by. For example if you choose ‘State, Assigned To, Deal Status’ you will recieve rows covering all the different combinations of those three fields (only when that combination non-empty).
Aggregate Columns: Different aggregate forms of numeric fields of the model.
Drill Down: Summation reports let the user create inline reports showing the records in a group. These drill down reports are identical to a rows and columns report.
Let's say that we want to create a report that will let us identify the largest sources of leads coming in.
Select ‘Contacts’ for Primary Model Type
Add ‘State,’ ‘City,’ ‘Lead Source’ to groups
Add ‘Deal Value’ to aggregate values and select Sum
Format the drill down records perhaps as ‘Name,’ ‘Assigned To,’ ‘Deal Value’
Click Generate
The resulting grid is showing us how much deal value is in each city, sorted by lead source and location. Click on the plus icon on a row to display the drill down report.
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