Workflow & Process Tools
X2WorkFlow takes you to the workflow module which shows a list of current workflows. Click here for more on X2WorkFlow.
Manage Sales and Service Processes takes you to the Process module within the main X2CRM system. Here you can view and edit current Processes and create new ones.
Process Settings takes you to a screen that sets the permissions for modifying processes within a certain time frame.
The Process Backdate Window, highlighted in red, is the amount of time after the creation of a process that users have to backdate the process. Backdating is creating and completing process stages on dates that are earlier than the current one.
The Process Backdate Range, highlighted in green, is the range of time that users are able to backdate processes within. This screen shows a process backdate range of one year. Therefore, a user can go to a process and create or complete a stage up to one year prior to the time that they are editing it. See the contact process section for more information on completing processes.
The Manage Notification Criteria option will bring you to a system that creates filters for notifications. Here you can set triggers for notifying your users of certain events.
The model type that you select will choose the module that supplies the data for the trigger events. Choose a field from within the model from the drop down menu highlighted in the blue box.
The comparison operator and model value fields allow you to choose how you want to evaluate the data in that field.
Choose the users to notify from the drop down menu highlighted in green.
Select the notification type. You can create an action for the user, change the assignment of the record to the specified user, or simply send them a basic notification within X2CRM.
View already created event filters in the area highlighted in the orange box. The notification criteria highlighted here contain rules that feature the three different types of notifications.
This sort of notification filter can be done easily in this module but can also be handled by X2Flow, with even more customizability.
X2Workflow Settings configuration options for X2Flow. Allows you to set the maximum number of trigger logs.
Import Workflow links to the X2Flow import workflow option within X2Flow. Click here for more on X2Flow.