Modules are the core unit of X2CRM. Modules are used to present data to the user and is how functionality of the program is organized. Examples of Modules are Marketing, Actions and Contacts. Each Module is displayed in the middle of the screen with left and right data frames for widgets. The right hand data frame can be hidden by pressing the ‘toggle widgets’ button.
Module Grid View
When clicking on a module, such as Contacts, Accounts or Marketing, all of your records will typically be listed in a grid view. There are several ways to organize the data:
To sort a Column – click on the name of the column and it will sort in ascending order. Click again and it will sort by descending order.
Filter a Column – In the blank cell between the name of the column and the data you can filter the contents of that column by entering what you want to find. For example, you know the Contact’s first name is Sam but that is all you know. Type Sam in the blank cell below Name and click Enter. The system will show any entry that includes “sam” somewhere in the name. You can narrow the search with more specific data.
Mass Insertions or Deletions – You can perform actions against multiple records at a time. To choose the records you wish to effect, click on the box at the far left for each record. To choose the entire page of records click on the box at the very top of the column. A message will appear at the top asking if you want to select the records on all pages “click here” and all boxes will be chosen. Once any record is chosen a More button appears in the Title Row. You can perform one of these actions to the entries that have been chosen:
Add action
Add note
Add relationships
Add selected to list (Must be a Static list)
Execute macro
Log call
Log time
Merge selected
New list from selected (Will create a Static list)
Remove tags
Update fields of selected
This can also be used to delete multiple records at a time by clicking on the “trash can” icon.
To create Custom Modules go to Admin and X2Studio Customization Tools.
This video tutorial provides a detailed look at the features and details of using a Modules Grid View. The Grid View shows the records that are in a module. Instructions for adding columns, customizing the column layout, sorting, filtering, searching and updating records.
Module Detail View
When clicking on a record in a module, the record details will be displayed in the Detail View. This view provides all the details of the record and associated relations to call, actions, comments and more. The Detail View allows you to see all of the elements of the record, and items that are associated to the record.
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