

Here you can find a list of client accounts and view their fiscal records with your company. Accounts are companies or organizations whose associates are your contacts.

Accounts Content

Account List Grid View

Account Detail View

Account Reports

Create an Account



Account List Grid View

  • View a list of All Accounts, sortable by various metrics. Filter results with the column selector, highlighted in green within the red circle.

  • Use the clear filters option, the center button in the red circle, to stop sorting by a specific column and return to a default filter setting.

  • For a more detailed explanation of grid view filters, jump to the Contact Grid View section.

  • Click an account to view its details.



Account Detail View

  • The Account Detail overview screen displays information about an account, including contact info, amount of sales, process stages, relationships, and much more.

  • Use the options menu on the left hand column, highlighted in the green box, to manage account information. Select Edit Account to update data. Share Account drafts an email containing the account information that you can then send to a colleague.

  • Delete Account does what you might expect. Please note that this cannot be undone!

  • Attach a File or Photo to the account profile. Select your media, add media description, and save.

  • Relationships are highlighted in red. These are contacts, leads, opportunities, service cases, and other things that are related to the Account. The blue highlight shows where you would create a new relationship for the Account.

Account Reports

  • Accounts can be summarized and collected, much like a dynamic list. Find accounts which match specific attribute criteria. Select the date range, shown in the red box, to filter accounts based on date of creation or last activity. Select Advanced Filters and [Add] to add attribute filters. Once you have your filters in place, Generate Report to display matching records, shown in the light blue box.

  • Once you have your generated list, you may then Create a Campaign. This will allow you to email contacts related to the accounts in that list. You can choose to only email contacts which are set as the primary contact of an account, or all related contacts of each account.

  • You may also export the list to a .csv file, using the Export Data button, shown in green. Once created, you may download this file, shown in purple, near the bottom of the page.



Create an Account

  • Enter the new account’s information, the organization’s name, type of company, phone number, description, address, and other such pertinent information.

  • Option to assign the account to a colleague by selecting their name from with the ‘assign to’ list. To select multiple representatives, hold down the control key as you click.

  • Once finished, click the create button to complete the process.


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