CRM Helps Millennials Who Need Instant Gratification
Last month, I stumbled on an article written by the Wall Street Journal called Millennials, as Seen by Corporate America. I literally laughed out loud (or LOL’d since hip millennials only talk in acronyms and emojis) at the conclusions senior marketers were making about consumers my age. This article was full of cutting-edge research, like how Hersey’s discovered that “millennials want new flavors and textures”. I speak on behalf of all when I say that millennials do enjoy flavors and textures with our food. It’s a relief to know that corporate America has finally figured out my generation.
I wanted to learn more about how millennials were portrayed in media and started reading through dozens of articles. I learned that we were accused of killing everything from the napkin industry to Home Depot. It’s really easy to laugh off these kinds of claims – they’re just sensationalist articles that make general conclusions based on vague market data.
There was only one article that stood out to me.
A Millennial’s Need for Instant Gratification
In the article, I Want it NOW! Millennials & Instant Gratification, Ashley Adams (a fellow millennial), writes about how our generation grew up accustomed to instant gratification. Can you really blame us though? Like most young adults, I grew up in a world with internet and social media. I started my career when the cloud and IoT were the industry standard. My entire life has always been available instantly. Even though instant gratification is often viewed as a bad trait, Adams argues that it is the exact opposite:
“This craving for instant gratification and feedback makes us quick to adopt, change, and grow in situations. This creates a workforce and think-team of innovators who are looking to grow and develop as quickly as they can so they can continue to grow and achieve their goals. As a result, the organization benefits because as they are learning and growing, the company is also flexing and learning.”
Our daily lives operate instantly, so millennials are creating a work environment that can keep up. Young employees are adopting creative or new techniques to solve problems. We are replacing the standard procedures that no one ever thought to modernize with technology and automation. Customer relationship management (CRM) is the perfect example of how technology and the need for instant gratification can drive positive change.
How CRM can Drive Instant Communication and Collaboration
When teams are dealing with everything from personalized marketing campaigns to service tickets, they often collaborate with other team members. It is extremely inefficient when progress needs to stop because teams cannot instantly take the next step. Maybe a sales representative has the notes from a client’s phone call is out sick. Or perhaps a service technician knows the specific process for troubleshooting a problem is on vacation. Other team members could continue work on these issues if they had a way of instantly accessing the information they need.
CRM aims to eliminate this lag and make sure that all relevant information is available instantly across your entire business. Tools, such as a documentation library, specific funnel and pipeline processes, or contact history, can ensure that everything you need is always recorded and accessible so your business can operate 24/7.
X2CRM is a next generation enterprise CRM platform. In addition to the many features it already offers, X2CRM has a number of unique capabilities, such as location-based opportunities. With this feature, users can do anything from instantly check in somewhere with their mobile phone to receive real-time client location notifications and find new opportunities to meet face-to-face with a contact. Location information helps all users instantly update their activity with the rest of their team to increase efficiency and find new possibilities for any business. This feature is perfect for millennials who are constantly on their smartphones anyway!
X2CRM is the perfect application to promote collaboration and communication. It even helps satisfy a millennial’s need for instant gratification by ensuring all information they’d need is immediately available.