X2CRM Version 5.3 Update Features


We are getting ready to release X2CRM version 5.3 this week in both open source and commercial editions. For the most part 5.3 is a customer driven release with a large number of feature enhancements. Also included is a new Google+ plus widget for enriching contact records and a new X2 Workflow Splitter tool (thank you Peter Olson) which allows for workflows to be split into concurrent, independent threads. Checkout the online preview here: http://preview.x2crm.com

X2CRM 5.3 Feature Summary:


– X2Workflow Process Splitter
– Google+ Connector
– Amazon AWS Virtual Private Severs
– Lead Management Conversion Reporting
– Default Processes for Modules
– Mass Actions for Email Widget
– New Return URL for Weblead Forms

Feature Highlights:
X2Workflow Spitter – Allows for concurrent execution of workflow branches simplifying the creation of complex workflow logic. For example, a new customer may be assigned to two different users one sales, one support within a company each with different workflow actions. By combining the power of two individual workflows into one allows for easy administration and deployment of customer processes.

Google+ Widget – Allows display of Google+ Profile data inside of contact record screens. Contacts can also be searched within Google+ widget and added to contact activity feeds.

Amazon AWS – X2CRM’s cloud edition is now powered by Amazon AWS virtual private server platform. Customer can now have a choice of multi-tenant and dedicated cloud deployment options.


Kathy Eckel